Monday, May 30, 2011

Joseph Hoopers Weekly Post For Compound Stock Earnings

..... Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!!!

..... well ..... Aaron and I conducted the Dallas 2-Day Intensive Seminar last weekend ..... it was a great Seminar with many new folks ..... many from Calif. and other states who had flown in for the seminar, even though they have a seminar in their home state... we had a large group ... over 250 on line also ......
.... one of the interesting things is that there were several folks there for the second time .... last month they attended the 2-Day Intensive Seminar in Dallas .... in each case ..... after attending just that first time .... they went home and the next week sold calls on existing stocks that had been hanging around in their portfolio for a long time just being non productive... just going up and down on paper ...... maybe a few dividends now and then....
..... in one case the gentleman sold calls on just one stock that more than paid the entire cost of the 2-Day Intensive Seminar .......
..... in another case the client had over 22,000 shares of stock that had been in his portfolio for 15 years or so ..... paying a dividend but otherwise just going up and down on a brokerage statement ..... well .... needless to day he collected lots of cash on that one ..... paid for lots of seminars in just one call sale .....
..... each time Aaron and I conduct the 2-Day Intensive Seminar we find ... among those attending ..... folks that are leaving extreme income and wealth on the table each month .... just leaving it ... many times to the tune of millions over the holding period .....
.... but now they know .....

.... we know there are so many others out there that have stocks and are not selling covered calls on those stocks ..... some are just not attuned to what goes on in the investment world and that is forgivable ....
.... others just are scared to do anything for they have been made investment losers by years of efforts by the “street” to make them think that investing is so difficult, mysterious and complicated that only the “ordained” ones on Wall St are qualified .....
.... now some of these folks will tow the line and follow the advice of the “ordained” one .... out of fear of some kind of retribution .... these are the folks that are doomed to investment hell and deserve to lose all their money... and given the experience of the street ... will most certainly do so ....

..... then there is the other investor that says enough is enough.... it’s over for these “street whores” (the official name for wall street types used by wall street folks to refer to other wall street people... I know because I worked on Wall St back before most reading this editorial were born) .... and these folks take control of their own money .......

.... serious.... it used to be .... and only as late as 10 years ago.... it was very difficult to be an independent investor doing your own trading ..... information was not available ..... if it was you had difficulty getting it .... you had to use the street broker ..... if you had the information ... you could not effectuate a trade ... you needed the street broker for that .....charts were difficult to come by .... you needed the street broker ...and so on and so on ......
.... as a result the typical investor was tethered to the whore ..... in most cases developing the classic symptoms of the Stockholm Syndrome (this is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors.).... I am not being flippant here, this psychological relationship exists to a certain degree between a financial advisor and a client... Why else would a rational person stay with a broker / financial planner who does nothing but lose them money?

...... this is still witnessed today when you see a group of brokers taking clients to lunch or dinner ..... the clients are so excited and have such a feeling of importance ..... when actually it is just a leading of the sheep to the slaughter house ....

.... anyhow ..... today there are on line brokers with fantastic information you can access on the internet .... in lots of cases many times better than the information a street broker has ..... you have cheap commissions vs. high street broker commissions ..... you can trade from anywhere ... you don’t have to go to the brokers office anymore .... you can execute every kind of variation of a trade that exists right at your computer .... in other words you are no longer “tethered” to the whore .....

.... with the “virtual” trading platforms available today ....from most on line brokers.... investors have the opportunity to use trading techniques without risking real money .... this is vital for this builds confidence and expertise for investors to learn how to manage their own assets they have worked for ......
..... last but not least you don’t need the thinking or advice of a street whore .... their advice and intellectual abilities have been proven without a doubt to be wrong ... witness that we .... the tax payers.... had to bail them out .... witness that vast numbers of the “babies” cannot retire because they spent their working lives depending on the whores to take care of them ..... it was fun ..... but whores are whores ...... it’s over now .....
..... as any aspiring investor now knows ... don’t hang around with whores ...... it’s bad for your investment health....  Compound Stock Earnings