The founders of Compound Stock Earnings (CSE) have been in the financial industry for more than 20 years, eight years of which have been teaching CSE’s Cash Flow Investing System to the everyday investor. In addition to their proprietary investing strategies, they have a strong support system to reinforce their teachings and support their clients. Each week in major cities across the country, they discuss covered call strategies on their radio show “UNCONVENTIONAL WI$DOM: The CSE Investment Show”.
Compound Stock Earnings founder, Joseph Hooper, is a former broker and bank owner and has been using the covered call technique to grow his wealth for more than 20 years. In his decades of market experience, Joseph has invested through rallies and crashes, booms and busts and knows first hand what it takes to be successful in volatile financial markets. Before joining CSE, Aaron Zalewski was in the finance industry, where he worked as an investment banking analyst.
Compound Stock Earnings customer service is unique in several ways. First, they allow current clients to re-attend seminars for free for life. This provides the current clients with on-going reinforcement and allows new clients to speak to and learn from existing clients. Second, they provide a free email help system to their clients. And, they are continually updating the techniques and providing these techniques to their clients.
“UNCONVENTIONAL WI$DOM: The CSE Investment Show” is their national radio program where Joseph and Aaron talk about the latest tends in covered call investing. Each week, they interview investors who are using CSE’s techniques to achieve 3-6% monthly returns regardless of market direction. For times of the radio show and to learn more about the individual investors featured on the shows check the archive radio show listings on their website. Many people use Joseph and Aaron’s book Covered Calls and LEAPS: A Wealth Option as a guide to covered call investing. Others who are looking for a deeper understanding of the techniques attend one of CSE’s 2-day intensive seminars held in locations throughout the country where they learn the guidelines of Compound Stock Earnings’s cash flow system. Check the seminar listings for the seminar schedule. "Anyone can invest into the stock market, but it is what you do after the money is invested that determines the outcome. This technique is about how you manage a stock position to produce consistent monthly income using Covered Calls. To make an ananolgy: you wouldn’t own a rental property and then not rent it out would you? If you own stock and are not selling Covered Calls to rent that stock and generate income, you’re literally leaving money on the table every month,” according to Aaron Zalewski.