Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Los Angeles Seminar For Compound Stock Earnings

Upcoming Los Angeles 2-Day Intensive Seminar for Compound Stock Earnings

The upcoming Los Angeles 2-Day Intensive Seminar will be held this Saturday and Sunday, July 23 & 24, 2011 at the Manhattan Beach Marriott.

Existing Clients

If you are an existing client planning to re-attend and have not yet registered, please CLICK HERE to register.  Final registration for existing clients will be Wednesday at 4:00 pm Central Time.

New Clients

You can call 817-882-9142 to sign up for the seminar.

Alternatively, if you wish to attend the first three hours of the seminar from 9.00 am to 12 noon on day one, you can do so FREE.  Please CLICK HERE to register.  If you choose you can then sign up at the seminar, receive your seminar manual and other materials and continue with the seminar that weekend.


Compound Stock Earnings

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Seminar In Atlanta! | Compound Stock Earnings

Upcoming Atlanta 2-Day Intensive Seminar

The upcoming Atlanta 2-Day Intensive Seminar will be held this Saturday and Sunday, July 16 & 17, 2011 at The Courtyard by Marriott Vinings.

Existing Clients

If you are an existing client planning to re-attend and have not yet registered, please CLICK HERE to register. Returning students must sign up no later than 4PM Central time on Wednesday, June 13th.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two Big New Additions to Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections!!! Compound Stock Earnings

Two Big New Additions to Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections!!!

We are very excited to announce two incredible new additions to our Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections Service!!!  

  1. A brand new Weekly Credit Spread technique, the Weekly Iron Butterfly, will now be taught through the service and selected positions will be emailed to clients each week.   

  2. 2010 Masters Class Presenter, Keith Frampton, who produced in excess of 550% returns in 2010 using Weekly Credit Spreads, has joined the Compound Stock Earnings team and will be providing his positions to subscribers on a weekly basis through the service!

Read on for more information!!!

Background on the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections Service

The Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections service is designed for clients who want to trade just one, simple trade per week and produce returns in the 3 - 8% per month range.  The service is designed for folks who are either Ultra Conservative or Conservative investors and hold capital preservation among the highest of priorities.   The service is also ideal for folks who need immediate liquidity of their investment portfolio, as when trading using this technique, your account is 100% back in cash each week. 

This service is run by Greg Beauchamp who teaches the Compound Stock Earnings Monthly and Weekly Credit Spread seminars.    For more information on Greg, CLICK HERE to see an excerpt of Greg's 2008 Masters Class presentation and also, to see a sample of just ONE of Greg's many brokerage accounts showing over $1,000,000 in returns being generated using the Credit Spread technique in a year, see the attachment to this email.

The service provides an unprecedented level of Weekly Credit Spread education and trade selection.   Unlike Advanced Charting Platinum Selections, the actual trade selection, including strike price, expiration, execution price and portfolio allocation that Greg is executing in his own account is provided to subscribers.  Additionally, all subsequent management moves on all created positions are sent out to subscribers until the position is closed out.  As such very little "thinking" or "judgment" is required by subscribers if they choose to simply choose to mirror these trades in their own virtual account / real accounts.  Weekly Credit Spread Platinum subscribers receive trade emails once per week (only one position per week is created), can attend the weekly Coaching Webinar every Thursday at 11:00am CST and receive one or two "position update" webinars each week.  All webinars are archived for later, repeated viewing.

Today, we are announcing two new, very exiting additions to this service which are going to provide many more selected trades (more than one trade per week), more variety, higher investment levels and higher returns for our clients!

1.  New Weekly Iron Butterfly Technique

The new Compound Stock Earnings Weekly Iron Butterfly technique can be used in a weekly Credit Spread portfolio to increase returns and provide more trading opportunities for Conservative and Ultra Conservative Credit Spread traders seeking to generate returns of 2% to 5% per week.  The Iron Butterfly Technique is significant in that, with the traditional Weekly Credit Spread technique, there are some weeks (particularly during rising markets) where no Conservative weekly trade is available that meets our rules.    As such capital is not invested in certain weeks and returns are not made.  The Weekly Iron Butterfly technique solves this problem by adding a second technique that can be traded 52 weeks out of the year!  As such, CSE clients now have two weekly option strategies at their disposal:  the traditional Weekly Credit Spread technique and the new Iron Butterfly technique!

As with all CSE techniques, we have used the new Weekly Iron Butterfly technique for a considerable time and tested it's application in various market conditions.  We introduced the technique to a small group of six clients several months ago and these clients have averaged 5.6% per week using the new technique.  One month ago, we began providing Weekly Iron Butterfly selections in our Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections service!

At this point, this new Compound Stock Earnings technique will only be taught through the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections service.  It will not be taught in our seminars.  For investors that are already familiar with any of the CSE techniques, the new Weekly Iron Butterfly technique is very simple to learn.  As with all CSE techniques, it is rule based with specific entry, management and exit points.   

If you wish to learn the new Weekly Iron Butterfly technique, receive selections by email of the Weekly Iron Butterfly and the Weekly Credit Spread positions that we are trading (both from Greg Beauchamp and also Keith Frampton) - you can sign up for Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections by CLICKING HERE.  Subscriptions to the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selection service are normally $1,495 per month.  However, due to the introduction of this new technique, you can sign up for the service for just $495 for month one, $995 for month two and $1,495 thereafter (you may cancel at anytime during any month).  This is 50% the first two month's subscription price!!!   

This is great way to learn this new technique at a very low cost through a webinar format and also profit from the trades that are offered in the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections service.  CLICK HERE to sign up for Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections.

2.  Keith Frampton Joins CSE and the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections Service

2010 Masters Class Presenter, Keith Frampton, who is the owner of the single highest returns we have ever witnessed in a Credit Spread account (550% for 2010), has officially joined the CSE team.  Keith specializes in Weekly Credit Spreads and he will now be providing his trades each week to subscribers of Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections.  This is a huge new addition to the service!!!  Not only will there be Weekly Credit Spread Selections from Greg Beauchamp (whose positions are best described as "Ultra-Conservative"), there will also be Weekly Credit Spread Selections from Keith Frampton (who positions are best described as "Conservative" and provide the potential for higher returns).  As such, the number of new positions will be dramatically increased and the potential returns from the service will also be dramatically increased!!!

You can CLICK HERE to watch a 20 minute excerpt of Keith Frampton's exceptional presentation at the 2010 Masters Class Seminar. 

We want to officially welcome Keith Frampton to the Compound Stock Earnings team.  His contribution to the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections service will be very significant and result in higher returns for all our clients.   This is yet another example of CSE's commitment to continuing to improve our techniques and services by leveraging the exceptional skills of our best clients.

The New and Improved Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections Service

As a result of the two new additions above, the Weekly Credit Spread Platinum Selections Service has now been dramatically improved: 

  1. Addition of the new Weekly Iron Butterfly technique which allows a Weekly Credit Spread trade to be made 52 weeks out of the year! 
  2. Addition of Keith Frampton to the team providing Conservative Weekly Credit Spread selections to clients each week!
  3. Continuation of the Ultra Conservative Weekly Credit Spread positions that are currently being provided by Greg Beauchamp!